the top 10 safest cities for female solo travellers

Before covid, travelling alone was one of my favourite ways to get to know a new city. I spent two weeks travelling across Japan by myself when I was 19 and passed many hours wandering through Paris when I lived there on exchange. I’m not unique in this either – a 2018 study by British Airways revealed that over 50% of women have travelled alone. Despite the benefits of solo exploration, safety is always a concern, especially for women. Each year, The Economist produces a list of the world’s safest cities, determined by a survey of everything from a city’s digital security to its cleanliness. For its 2021 Safe Cities index, health was of course a top concern, and this year’s list reveals some new frontrunners. Can you guess which cities made the top 10? We reveal the winners below…


Copenhagen, Denmark


Topping the list for 2021 is Copenhagen, the jewel in Denmark’s pastel-inflected crown is a haven for foodies, design lovers, and dreamers alike. High achievers, its inhabitants consistently top the list for the world’s happiest people too, and it’s not too hard to see why. A short stroll through the city inevitably sparks joy, with its colourful houses, beautiful architecture, and friendly locals.

toronto, canada


Hot on the heels of frontrunner Copenhagen, Toronto is an urban metropolis with a friendly, small town feel. Its inhabitants are some of the most diverse in the world (its 2.9 million residents hail from 250 different ethnic groups), which is reflected in the city’s thriving food scene and colourful character. A mere hour-long flight from JFK, Toronto has endless bars, restaurants, and coffee shops to discover for the intrepid traveller.



For a tiny island, Singapore packs a lot into a small square footage. It’s an incredibly efficient and clean city, (its infamous no litter law comes to mind), and its vast outdoor spaces are especially suited to a post-covid world. One of the world’s greenest cities, you’ll find verdant botanic gardens bordering futuristic architecture and charming, old-world alleyways.

sydney, australia


sydney, the home of aweventurer, made its way in to the top ten this year and we can’t say we’re too surprised. with some of the world’s best beaches, incredible bush walks, and amazing food, there’s a little bit of everything to explore in this coastal city.

Hong Kong


Tying with Melbourne, Hong Kong made its way in to the top 10 as one of the world’s safest cities. Ultra-modern skyscrapers and ancient temples, and a buzzing street food markets and michelin star restaurants – Hong Kong is a city of opposites. It’s easily traversed by foot, and in our opinion, walking is one of the best ways to get to know the city like a local. Hike up Victoria Peak for incredible harbour views, stuff yourself at one the city’s many night markets, and take a day trip to Lantau Island.

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne has a reputation for being one of Australia’s most international cities, but it also tied with Hong Kong this year as one of the world’s safest. It’s world-class coffee scene, wide streets, and vibrant alleyways have drawn comparisons to European cities, but the city is so much more than just a European copy.  A day spent wandering through its beautiful botanic gardens is the perfect activity for a solo traveller, followed by a visit to Heidi Museum of Modern Art and dinner at one of its fine dining restaurants.

tokyo, japan


Most people wouldn’t be surprised to see Tokyo make the list – a place that has consistently ranked in the top ten for the past few years. Clean and efficient, Tokyo is a great choice for solo adventurers. The city has a true 24-hour economy, and at each hour a different shade of the city comes to light – it’s impossible to be bored in a place that never really sleeps. With one of the most efficient and expansive public transport systems in the world, no corner of Tokyo is out of reach.

Amsterdam, netherlands


Ranking in the top ten since the list began, Amsterdam is a shoe in each year for one of the world’s safest cities. Not only that, but it’s one of the most walkable (or cyclable, if you’re truly following the Dutch custom) cities I’ve ever been to. Packed with charming canals, world-class museums, and beautiful architecture, the city has plenty to discover on foot without being overwhelming for a solo traveller.

Wellington, new zealand

It’s no secret that we’ve long had a love affair with New Zealand. Wellington is a compact but vibrant city, the perfect base for exploring the incredible nature that surrounds it. If you tire of the many hikes on offer, a treasure trove of art galleries, fashion boutiques, and world-class restaurants await in the city’s center.

stockholm, sweden

This Scandinavian archipelago is a modern city pulsing with an ancient history, new age Nordic cuisine, and impeccable design. Whether you’re exploring the city by train, bike, or boat, Stockholm could not be easier to navigate for the solo traveller. Whilst every season has something to offer, the city really comes alive in the summertime, when its parks are transformed into beaches and people dine outside long into the night.